Important tips for driving in Kenya by self-drive travelers. Covered in this section: 

  • How are the road conditions in Kenya?
  • What are the speed limits?
  • Tips to drive safe in Kenya 
  • In case of a breakdown
  • Mileage / fuel consumption
  • Traffic police in Kenya
  • Navigation
  • Travel distance
  • Border crossing

How are the road conditions in Kenya?

All the primary roads radiating out of Nairobi are tarmac roads, and will bring you comfortably to your safari destination. Road conditions are good by African standards. There are also unsurfaced roads. The so-called ‘C’ and ‘D’ roads are usually unsurfaced, you can expect potholes or eroded surfaces. The roads listed below are particularly in poor state and will greatly reduce your travel pace: 

  • The C107 south from Mariakani to Kinango: if you think think this road is a good alternative to bypass Mombassa, think again. It’s terrible.
  • Some access roads leading to the Maasai Mara Triangle are in rough state. Consult our Travel Guide about self driving in the Maasai Mara, where driving times and road conditions are also discussed. 
  • A109 Nairobi – Mombasa highway; there always seems to be one part under construction, especially between Tsavo, Voi and Mombasa. This highway is much used by slow trucks, greatly reducing your travel time. Be ware of fellow drivers practicing dangerous overtaking.  

Speed limits 

  • 80 km/hour on highways. This might seem limited, but take note that a Landcruiser and Hilux packed with luggae and camp gear is a heavy vehicle. The police, therefore, classify safaris vehicles as trucks, because of the longer brake distance. 
  • 40 km/ hour when driving through towns. Note that the main highways also pass through towns, so greatly reduce your speed. 
  • 35/ hour in the National Parks

Our cars are equipped with car trackers, and for your own safety, we receive instant notifications when our vehicles drive beyond the allowed speed. 

OffRoadtrip Africa has been exploring Kenya by road for many years now. The experience is rewarding and safe, as long as you follow these bellow precautions.

guideline to speed limits in kenya
  • Obey the maximum speed limit.
  • Beware of unmarked speed bumps, which are plentiful in many parts of Kenya, especially at the entrance of towns.
  • Drive defensively.
  • Kenyans are experts at dangerous manoeuvres – don’t copy their behavior by overtaking trucks at blind corners.
  • Avoid driving after dark (6PM); the potholes are difficult to see and fellow drivers often uses blinding high beams.
  • Always carry some cash, water and a charged mobile phone to handle any situation.
  • Keep in mind that a flat tire is part of the adventure, as the road conditions are rough on tires. All our cars come with a jack, and any petrol station can fix small punctures.
  • As you will discover soon enough, Kenyans drive on the left side of the road…

Tips to drive safe in Kenya 

We drive well-maintained, secondhand cars. However, sometimes issues can occur and this is something you should take into consideration in general with hiring vehicles in countries where the roads are rough, as in Kenya. We suggest leaving enough time in your itinerary for the unexpected. Rest assures, we are very experienced in organizing adequate backup support.  

procedure incase of breakedown

In case of a mechanical breakdown, please always contact our office in Kenya first. All confirmed bookings receive our support number. We are on reach 24/7. We have a network of mechanics all over the country to assist you if needed, and we will try to solve the problem to the best of our ability. In case a problem with your car can’t be solved within 24 hours, a replacement car is available. Depending on your location, it might take a while to receive the car.

In case of a flat tire, this should be repaired by yourself. The information booklet in your Roadtrip Kenya rental car explains how to deal with this. Otherwise, we are just a phone call away. 

In case of an accident, always contact us immediately. We will probably advise you to contact the police. For insurance reasons, it’s important that you receive a police report. You will need to take pictures of the damage/situation. Kindly do not leave the vehicle unattended without our consent.

What is the mileage / fuel consumption?

Exact mileage / fuel consumption depends on the terrain and your driving behavior, but is around 9-10 km /L for the Toyota Hilux and 7-8 km/ L for the Landcruiser. Fuel costs between USD 1.10–1.30 per litre. Keep in mind, fuel is paid in cash in Kenyan Shillings.

How to deal with traffic police in Kenya? 

There’s quite a lot of traffic police in Kenya. They will frequently pull you over to check if your car is insured, if the tires look okay, and to check if you’re carrying the required fire extinguisher, triangles and a first aid kit. Of course, that is taken care of when you rent a car from Roadtrip Kenya. They will want to see your driving license. A valid driving license from your country of residence is accepted in Kenya. If you didn’t break the law (speeding, dangerous overtaking, etc.), there is nothing they can accuse you of. In our experience, traffic police are friendly and often just want to make chit chat. If you committed an offence, you have to pay the fine, which is usually around Ksh 5000 ($50).

How do I navigate and map out my route in Kenya?

Offline navigation is easy if you install the free on your smartphone and download the Kenya Maps, before you travel to Kenya. In the car you’ll also find a Nelles map and a Lonely Planet Guide of Kenya. Also the use of the app iOverlander is highly recommended. Almost every campsite in Kenya is plotted.

When you map out your route with Google Maps or, increase the suggested driving time by at least 30%. Don’t take short cuts, as these can lead you to minor back roads which can be in bad condition or non existing at al, greatly increasing your travel time. Also, providing back up support in case somethings happens is much more challenging when we need to search for you on some deserted road. Important tip: don’t map out the entire day, but break up the journey in pieces, as otherwise you run the risk that Google maps out the shortest route which is, as just described, in practice not the shortest route at all. 

How much distance can I cover in one day?

Although asphalt roads are in good condition, you generally don’t make more than 50-60km/hour, due to the many speed bumps, the need to reduce speed when you’re passing through villages, need for sanitary stops, and because you probably want to take a lot of pictures!. On gravel roads, you reach an average of 30 km/hour. 

Can I cross the border?

Yes, it is possible to cross the border to Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda with a Offroadtrip Kenya rental car. You are NOT allowed to cross to South Sudan, Ethiopia or Somalia. If you want to do a multiple country Offroadtrip, you will need to let us know in advance as we have to arrange a COMESA card, an extension of the car insurance for your vehicle. The insurance costs € 120 and is valid for three weeks. Without our consent, you are not allowed to cross the border and you are not insured for any damage. Please contact us for more information.

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