Travel Tanzania responsibly

Some advice to consider

How to Travel Tanzania responsibly – do not hand out money, clothes, pens, sweets or whatever else to children. However cute and poor they might be, it encourages begging and a distorted view of tourists. Instead, show genuine interest, play and talk with these kids the way you would with children from your own country.

If you want to bring goods to Tanzania, your lodge owner is a good source of advice. They know how to distribute it best. We personally feel it is better to leave it up to them, instead of playing Santa Claus and donating in person. The same applies for leaving stuff behind in your room – it’s better to give it to the lodge owner than leave it for the maid to find, which can lead to friction among the staff. 

Most lodges have a tipping box and distribute the tips equally among all the staff. If you enjoyed the service, just be generous and contribute to the tipping box. As for your driver or guide, tipping is highly appreciated. 

Giving back more

You will not be the first roadtripper moved to show your appreciation by the warm welcome Tanzania and its people have given you. Below are a few initiatives which you can sponsor. These are local, sustainable initiatives that are well managed, where we know your money will be well spent. 

PAMS Foundation Tanzania
Anti-poaching initiatives and wildlife protection.

The Plaster House
Provision of care for children who have undergone major surgeries.

The School of St Jude
The organisation provides free high quality education to children around Tanzania.

Shanga Foundation
A social enterprise that offers work experience and jobs to disabled people.

About 4×4 off-road trip tanzania 

We believe that a sustainable contribution to a developing country such as Tanzania is conducting business in a fair way; creating durable jobs and being good to your employees. This is what we are doing at Roadtrip Africa. As the company grows, our employees are enjoying this growth through earnings, welfare and capacity building. We are not going to brag about training and fun team outings that we do – these activities are considered normal in The Netherlands and therefore should also be considered normal in the countries where we operate. We are a team of happy people and we hope to be an example for the tourism sector in East Africa.

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