Timing your visit to Kenya

When is the best time to visit Kenya? We would dare to say that Kenya is nice to visit year round. It never gets cold, and even during the rainy season your travel will not be hindered, as the rains can be heavy but are typically short.

Kenya has one long, hot dry season from December until April, when temperatures rise to an average of 30°C, and even warmer in the North. The rainy season generally lasts from April through to May, with some short rains from September to November. The warmest regions in Kenya are in the North (Samburu), South (Tsavo) and along the coast. The cooler regions are obviously at higher altitudes – around Mount Elgon, Mount Kenya and the Western highlands.

When is high season in Kenya?

Tourists come to visit Kenya all year round, but peak season is from December to January, and from June to October during the wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara. Reserve your Roadtrip Kenya rental car well in advance, as we are fully booked months ahead during peak season. 

Many lodges use a low season (April, May), high season (rest of the year) and peak season (June-October) rate. Traveling in the low season considerably cuts your budget, and is worth considering if you don’t mind a rain shower here and there. 

Best time to visit the Masai Mara

What is the best time to visit the Masai Mara? Well, that depends what you want: wildebeest migration or wilderness feel. Your preferences will guide you through the seasons:

Peak season: from mid-June – October. When the millions of wildebeests are in the Mara, it attracts a lot of tourists as well. Unfortunately, this often leads to a bit of a traffic-jammy experience.

High season from November – February. Plenty of wildlife and people.

Low season from March – May. Rainy season, though wildlife viewing is still good, and less people means more places to have all to yourself.

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