Timing your visit to Uganda

Need help with timing your visit to Uganda? Than read this article. It can help to know when its dry season and rainy season, and when its peak season and low season. Good to know that Uganda is nice to visit year-round, it’s always summer! 

How is the weather in Uganda

Uganda has a very pleasant climate. It does not get as hot and humid as the coastal regions of Kenya and Tanzania, and it never gets cold either. The warmest regions in Uganda are around Queen Elizabeth, Murchison Falls and everything further north (Karamoja and Kidepo). If you can’t stand the heat, then avoid these places particularly in January and February. The cooler regions are obviously at higher altitudes – around Mount Elgon, Rwenzori Mountains and Lake Bunyonyi. Also the chimpanzee and gorilla trekking locations, in Kibale Forest and Bwindi, are typically the cooler regions of Uganda, where the forest provides a lot of shade. 

Timing your Best time to visit Ugandavisit to Uganda per month 

Go in April – May or November if you want to discover Uganda with less tourists. Some lodges will offer low season rates. Be prepared for more rainfall, particularly in Entebbe, Jinja, Sipi Falls and the Southwestern part of Uganda, although rain patterns are unpredictable and they can come earlier or later than predicted. Rains can be heavy, but are typically short, followed by bright sunshine. Go this time of the year to enjoy fifty shades of green, the scent of lovely flowers, and some good off road driving in muddy patches. This is not a good time of the year to summit the peaks of Mount Elgon or the Rwenzori mountains. 

December to February are the warmest months and dry season. Vegetation in the savannah habitats in Kidepo, Murchison Falls, Queen Elizabeth and Lake Mburo national parks becomes scarce and animals gather around water sources, making wildlife easier to spot. This is a good time of year to summit the Rwenzori mountains and Mount Elgon. As for chimp and gorilla trekking, the habitat of rainforests is, by default, very wet and one can’t avoid rain completely at any time of year. 

When is high season in Uganda? 

Tourists come to visit Uganda year round, but peak season is from December to January and from June to September. Although the parks don’t feel crowded whatsoever, you have to reserve your Roadtrip rental car, gorilla permits and hotels well in advance. 

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