Best destinations for bird watching in Uganda

Uganda is a diverse wildlife-viewing destination, and bird watching is no exception. There are 1075 different species within Uganda, with 150 that can only be found here. Uganda’s special location between the savannah, rainforest, and semi-desert makes it a friendly home to a variety of birds.

Read on if you want to know about the most iconic birds of Uganda and the best destinations for bird watching. 

What are the most Iconic Birds of Uganda?

These birds are not to be missed while travelling to Uganda. Their unique size, beaks, and plumage will make your road trip in Uganda even more unforgettable.

1. Ugandan Crane (Grey-crowned Crane)

Once you see this bird, you’ll immediately understand why it has such a majestic name. It stands one metre and weighs about 3.5 kilos. The grey crowned crane has an elaborate mating ritual involving dancing, bowing, and jumping. It’s bright red sac and crown of stiff feathers makes it a memorable sight. The crested crane is the national symbol of Uganda, depicted on the flag of Uganda. 

2. Shoebill Stork

Looking at the shoebill feels like you’ve stepped into Jurassic Park. With its massive beak and tall stature, it looks like a small dinosaur. Shoebills can be over one meter tall, and its large beak resembles a shoe (which explains the name). Although it’s called a stork, scientists say it’s more closely related to pelicans. It has beautiful slate-grey feathers and tends to stay still for long periods of time; this behaviour helps it catch fish.

3. Great Blue Turaco

The Great Blue Turaco are beautiful birds, maybe to their detriment. This bird is actively hunted for its colourful feathers and its meat. You might spot their bills first – they’re bright yellow with a red tip. They are not the best in flying, due to their short and round wings. You rather see them gliding, leaping from  one tree to the next.

Best destinations for bird watching in Uganda

There are many great destinations for bird watching in Uganda. If you go for a birding safari inside a national par, you can opt to go with a ranger from the Uganda Wildlife Authority. Their bird knowledge may vary, so make your interest known upfront. Lodges in the destinations listed below are also a great starting point. They often have a trained guide among their team, who know a lot about the local birdlife. Also, some of Roadtrip Africa’s driver-guides are experienced and knowledgeable about birding in Uganda. Let us know, in case you request for a driver-guide with this expertise. 

Kibale Rainforest 

Kibale Rainforest– is probably Uganda’s best birding destination. There are diverse birds to see, and the guides at the park entrance are knowledgeable. The Bigodi Swamp Walk is particularly rewarding. The swamp sanctuary is home to the Great Blue Turaco and the rare Papyrus Gonolek, White-winged Warbler, White-collared Oliveback and Papyrus Canary. Bird watching tours start at 7 am at Kanyanchu; you are advised to book in advance. Ask the lodge you’re staying at for the latest updates about bird watching tours.  

Bwindi Forest & Lake Mutanda 

Bwindi Forest & Lake Mutanda– are great starting points for a bird-watching trek. Nkuringo Walking Safaris and Mutanda Lake Resort offer excellent guided nature walks and canoe excursions on Mutanda Lake, with the proceeds benefiting the local community. There’s a very big chance you’ll see Uganda’s crested crane.


Entebbe– Because Entebbe is by Lake Victoria, you’ll be able to see water and forest birds. Spotting the ancient shoebill stork can be spotted in Mabamba Swamp, best on an excursion in canoe. Contact Mabamba Shoebill Tours or Nkima Forest Lodge for the possibilities. 

Lake Mburo National Park 

Lake Mburo National Park– Lake Mburo is home to many water and acacia-tree birds. Lake Mburo’s swampy valleys, salt licks, and forest provide a variety of habitats for birdlife. You can hope to see the Rufous-bellied Heron, Bateleur, Black-bellied Bustard, Coqui Francolin, Grey Crowned Crane, and Brown-chested Lapwing.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park – Queen Elizabeth offers a wide variety of habitats and is home to over 600 bird species. Queen Elizabeth is a one-stop destination for large savannah animals as well as a variety of birds.

Kidepo Valley National Park 

Kidepo Valley National Park – Kidepo is in the far north of Uganda bordering South Sudan and will appeal for those looking for a wild, remote and off the beaten track experience when road tripping in Uganda. Its diverse landscape makes it home to almost 500 bird species and 77 different mammals. The birdlife in Kidepo is good year-round, but at its best from March to April to see migrant and special birds.

Special & Rare Bird Watching in Uganda

If you’re a die-hard bird watcher, you shall be interested in the below destinations, where you are able to spot some very elusive and rare birds only to be found in Uganda. 


Semliki -is the only true lowland tropical forest in East Africa, making it home to some very special species. Some of the bird life here is highly localized, so expect to see birds that you can’t find elsewhere. Semliki is home to the African openbillgreat white pelicansmalachite kingfishers, and a range of other birds. Migratory birds also pass through from November to April, and breeding season for many birds here is in March. Semliki Safari Lodge will be able to provide more information.

Budongo Rainforest

Budongo Rainforest – is a prime destination for forest birding in Uganda, with over 360 species present. This forest is home to the “Royal Mile”, which is a popular birding trail. Here, you’re likely to see the Yellow-footed Flycatcher, Nahan’s Francolin, Blue-breasted Kingfisher, Black-eared Groundthrush, Pygmy Crake, Black-winged Pratincole, Brown Twinspot, White-thighed Hornbill, Cassin’s Hawk Eagle, Dwarf and Kingfisher among many others. Visit or contact Budongo Eco Lodge for more information about bird watching treks in Budongo.

From the most iconic birds in Uganda to the rarer species, birding safaris are a fun and unforgettable experience. We hope we inspired you to pack your bird field guide and binoculars! Contact us for the possibilities. 

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