Sit back and relax – rent vehicle with driver-guide

Offroadtrip Kenya works with a number of experienced and truly lovable driver- guides, who speak good English as well as fluent Swahili. This option is great for Offroadtrippers who don’t fancy driving themselves, want a more relaxed experience, or want to learn more about the local culture and wildlife in Kenya.

You can expect from your driver that he will get you to your destination safely, he will also do game drives in the safari parks of Kenya and he knows the best places to go for a lunch-break or stocking up supplies. In case you haven’t finalized your Kenya travel itinerary yet, then its good to know that our drivers are like a walking Lonely Planet, they can surely help in designing your route. Renting a car with driver-guide is essentially the ultimate tailor-made private safari.

drive hiring cost

The cost of hiring a driver is € 40 / day and all the proceeds go to the driver. This fee also covers his meals and accommodation when staying at a safari lodge. You don’t need to arrange accommodation for him, as most lodges have facilities for the driver-guides where they can eat and sleep for a reduced rate. He is happy to sort out himself.

camping trip with a driver

In you go on a camping trip in Kenya, we also supply your driver with camping gear. As there are no facilities to eat elsewhere inside the national parks, we appreciate you take into account an extra person when buying groceries, and cook your meals together. Most drivers are pretty good bush cooks and know how to start a camp fire.

When you visit a national park and / or camp overnight inside a safari park, you are also expected to pay for the driver’s entrance fee of $ 5- $ 15 / day, and the camp fee of maximum  $ 15 / night, the exact amount depending on the parks, conservancies or reserves visited.

vehicle fuel

Your rental car is delivered with a full tank and returned with a full tank. The amount of fuel you consume on your road trip in Kenya is for your own expense. The driver is responsible for the wellbeing of the car, and the security bond will no longer apply.

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